
How Do You Measure the Success of Coaching Engagements?

How Do You Measure the Success of Coaching Engagements?

Determining the effectiveness of business coaching can be as nuanced as the practice itself. We've gathered insights from eleven seasoned professionals, including Executive Business Coaches and CEOs, to shed light on this topic. From examining client habits to integrating concrete data with qualitative feedback, these experts reveal how they measure the success of their coaching engagements.

  • Client Habits Reflect Coaching Impact
  • Regular Check-Ins and Comparisons
  • Multifaceted Approach to Client Growth
  • Analyze Business Metrics and Behaviors
  • Action Plans with Measurable Objectives
  • Client-Defined Success and Broader Impact
  • Facilitate Transformative 'A-Ha' Moments
  • Transformative Coaching for Organizational Change
  • Repeat Meetings Indicate Client Progress
  • Clients Achieve Autonomy and Self-Reliance
  • Integrate Concrete Data and Qualitative Feedback

Client Habits Reflect Coaching Impact

I measure success by what I hear and what I see: First, when my clients begin to shift their thinking and habits on their own, meaning that all that we've identified as an opportunity and worked on starts to become new habits. As a coach, I ask many questions to prompt awareness and understanding of challenges and how to overcome, adapt, or solve them. It's a great feeling to hear my clients talk about the positive impact they are seeing, feeling, and experiencing as they make meaningful change based on our work together. Often, they report that their peers, colleagues, or others around them are noticing the changes, and that's equally inspiring and reinforcing for them.

The second way that I measure success is when clients tell me that our working together is bringing benefit and positive change. When I hear that they have learned new skills or are looking at things differently, behaving differently than they ever have, and are experiencing better outcomes, interactions, and results, I know that I'm doing meaningful work helping my clients to grow and elevate their potential.

Robin Lukason
Robin LukasonExecutive Business Coach, Robin Lukason

Regular Check-Ins and Comparisons

When my clients first start working with me, they all fill out a worksheet with a series of prompts to unpick what they believe success is, how they feel about themselves in relation to that, and then what success would actually mean to them if no one else's expectations or opinions mattered. I also ask them about their general sense of self, mood, and self-belief.

Throughout the coaching containers that I work with my clients in, I regularly ask them things like: How are we doing? How is this coaching supporting you? Do you feel like you need more or less of anything? Is there something we haven't explored yet that needs exploring? Is there anything you want to feedback or share with me to help us get on a better path?

When we finish working together, we have a check-in call one month after our sessions stop, and they fill out another worksheet that looks back on their original goals and asks them where they are in relation to them now. It also asks them to note down all the things we've done together that have helped, all the things they've learned that help, and any tools they can come back to if they dip.

So, I measure success with regular check-ins, and then also a before-and-after comparison. If the client feels that they can speak up and share something that's not working, working really well, or that they want to do differently, then I consider that a good measure of successfully creating a safe and effective coaching relationship.

Hannah Ray
Hannah RayLife, Career + Business Coach, TAKE Coaching Amsterdam

Multifaceted Approach to Client Growth

Evaluating the results of coaching engagements with business owners necessitates a multifaceted approach. Gauges include the real and measurable growth of a client's business, evidenced by revenue growth and market expansion. Equally crucial are improvements in leadership ability, improved employee morale, and attention to strategies to expand the business.

Additionally, client satisfaction surveys and testimonials provide invaluable feedback on the efficacy of the coaching process. The ability to facilitate sustainable changes and foster a culture of continuous improvement are the hallmarks of our successful coaching engagements.

Lorraine LaneExecutive and Business Coach, Lane Business Consulting

Analyze Business Metrics and Behaviors

Measuring the impact of executive coaching begins with co-creating an agreement with the client, focusing on existing business metrics, and identifying areas for improvement. Together, we pinpoint the three key contributions that the team needs to make toward these measurable goals. The challenging part lies in helping the leader identify the key gaps and behaviors they must take responsibility for, which will significantly influence the team's ability to meet business objectives.

At the conclusion of each engagement, we analyze the changes in key business results, assess differences within the team, and determine the portion of these improvements attributable to coaching. This analysis includes statistical plotting with a conservative confidence factor to calculate the return on investment, complemented by qualitative data reflecting the return on expectations for the coaching engagement.

Jonathan Evans
Jonathan EvansPrincipal Partner, Infinitum Leadership

Action Plans with Measurable Objectives

We create an action plan with clear and measurable business and behavioral objectives. At the beginning of an engagement, we ask for a numerical assessment from our client and their leadership. That can be objectively compared to another assessment at the midpoint and end of the engagement.

Jennifer EggersPresident & C-Suite Advisor, LeaderShift Insights

Client-Defined Success and Broader Impact

My success as a coach is fundamentally based on my clients' definition of success. Together, we align on what success looks like and determine how to measure it—whether individually, for their team, or for their organization. We assess the current situation and set clear objectives for where we aim to be, measuring results and impact within a specific timeframe. Client feedback on the effectiveness of my coaching is crucial, and successful outcomes often lead to client retention and referrals.

While we focus on specific issues and goals, the coaching often has a broader impact on the client's approach to work and leadership. Additionally, I prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion, helping clients broaden their perspectives, consider diverse viewpoints, and create win-win solutions for all stakeholders, including themselves.

Analiza Quiroz Wolf
Analiza Quiroz WolfExecutive Coach, CEO, Women of Color Rise

Facilitate Transformative 'A-Ha' Moments

When my clients have those "a-ha" moments, I know I've been successful. Sometimes they are small, yet guiding them to those larger lightbulb moments. Other times, the transformation is instant, and I—and my clients—can tell that something big just happened. Facilitating these types of interactions consistently is when I feel most successful.

Kelli Anderson
Kelli AndersonCareer Coach, California Commercial Insurance

Transformative Coaching for Organizational Change

Coaching engagements are measured not just by the achievements of our clients, but by the transformation they undergo. At Tech & Thrive, we know that change is a ripple effect for individuals, teams, and organizations. I recently worked with a seasoned leader who described the impact of our coaching as "the most profound development of my career." This person didn't just meet their personal leadership goals; they became a catalyst for change within their organization and for their team, influencing a shift toward more dynamic and inclusive leadership practices.

Change also happens when leaders take what they've learned from Tech & Thrive's T.H.R.I.V.E. Operating System™ and share it with those around them. This underscores the sustainable impact that coaching has on organizational culture and effectiveness. This approach, where personal success translates into organizational advancement, serves as a powerful model that other leaders can emulate to foster an environment of continuous growth and strategic development within their teams.

Denise MusselwhiteFounder & CEO, Tech & Thrive

Repeat Meetings Indicate Client Progress

The number-one gauge of success is repeat meetings. If the client continues meeting, then they must be getting something out of the interactions. Having the client complete assignments shows that they are taking action. If their issues are getting less urgent, and the client is starting to solve their own issues, then they are making gains.

Ron Stein
Ron SteinBusiness Coach, Coach Ron Stein

Clients Achieve Autonomy and Self-Reliance

Coaching yourself out of a job.

The overall goal of a coaching engagement is to support your client in becoming autonomous and reliant on their own abilities. While there will be other goals linked to your engagement, clients who are whole and believe in themselves lead to real transformation. The best way to tell when your client has hit those goals is that they no longer need to meet with you and begin to only come back for an occasional "tune-up."

Blake Farris
Blake FarrisDopamine Coach, Mito Coaching

Integrate Concrete Data and Qualitative Feedback

To begin, there are some traditional, more masculine ways to measure the success of your business coaching engagements that absolutely need to be addressed. For example, it is critically important to pay attention to the numbers that are driving business success, including, but not limited to, revenue, profit and loss, income markers, social media engagement, or employee retention, all of which are very easily able to be tracked through concrete data.

Some business coaches shy away from using concrete data, but what they need to understand is that the data is compiling whether they are tracking it or not, so don't be afraid of the numbers because they are incredibly important to the success of engagements with your clients and your business; the more you know, the better you can adjust accordingly and grow.

However, there are also the more feminine attributes that we don't want to lose sight of when it comes to the success of your coaching engagements as well, such as client satisfaction, delivering value, personal development, shifts in feeling or belief sets, community building, and other more subjective matters that are important to integrate into your feedback monitors.

An easy way to capture concrete data on these more non-linear measurements is to use what is called a qualitative rating scale. This is where you craft a 1 to 10 or a 1 to 100 scale, depending on the level of nuance you want to capture, where the lowest number represents the lowest outcome and the highest number represents the best-case scenario. When crafting your qualitative rating scale, make sure you describe what the lowest and highest outcomes might mean to an individual, as well as a mid-range score, so that the person using the scale is very clear about how to rank these outcomes in their delivery of feedback.

Whether you are collecting the more traditional masculine or feminine outcomes in your client engagements, remember that it is also important to start your engagements with a baseline set of data so that you can compare and contrast at the end of your service delivery.

Raeanne Lacatena
Raeanne LacatenaHolistic Business Coach, Raeanne Lacatena, Inc.

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