
How Do You Handle Unclear Or Constantly Changing Client Goals as a Business Coach?

How Do You Handle Unclear Or Constantly Changing Client Goals as a Business Coach?

When faced with the challenge of unclear or ever-evolving client objectives, we turned to seasoned professionals for guidance. Drawing on the expertise of an Executive Coach and a Founder & CEO, among others, we've compiled five key strategies. From navigating shifting client goals to creating a shared vision and aligning leadership, these insights offer a roadmap for handling such unpredictable scenarios.

  • Navigate Shifting Client Goals
  • Anchor Strategy with Client's 'Why'
  • Employ Clarifying Questions for Clarity
  • Evaluate and Adapt Coaching Strategies
  • Create a Shared Vision and Align Leadership

Navigate Shifting Client Goals

Clients can get laser-focused on one shiny object, then bam! They're chasing the next big thing. As their coach, don't get caught flat-footed. Dig into the 'why' behind the shift. Reassess goals – are they A-plus or just meh? Help them set clear milestones and prioritize tasks ruthlessly. Make sure the team and the suits understand the new game plan. We're all about agility here, so be ready to adjust on the fly. Remember, in this market, the only constant is change.

Tsila Blomberg
Tsila BlombergExecutive Coach, Blomberg Consulting, Inc.

Anchor Strategy with Client's 'Why'

At our very first meeting, I help clients establish their 'why'—what is driving them to have a conversation with me, what they are running from or running towards, what is the goal and vision we're trying to achieve.

Having a 'why' clearly defined serves as the anchor to our journey together. We keep referring back to it again and again, especially when things get murky or change course. We always bring it back to the 'why.'

Right after our first conversation, when the 'why' has been established, I create an Investor Profile that includes a why statement right at the top. I encourage clients to clip and tape it to their bathroom mirror so that they see it and keep it top of mind on a daily basis.

When in doubt, always go back to your 'why.' That'll put things in perspective real quick.

Bill Rodriguez
Bill RodriguezFounder & CEO, Liftoff! Certified Franchise Consultants

Employ Clarifying Questions for Clarity

Clarity and consistency are two incredibly important pillars to both the creation and implementation of a goal. When a client states their goal with a lack of clarity or continues to change course, it is very important to use the power of clarifying questions in coaching to draw out of them what they are truly looking to accomplish and then map out a plan to help them stay the course throughout the process. Open-ended questioning is the most important and effective tool to gain clarity with the client and allow them to self-identify and self-discover what they actually want, what's getting in the way, and what they can do differently moving forward to achieve that goal with commitment, follow-through, and to their preferred successful outcome.

To aid in the implementation, we use a process in coaching commonly called 'chunking down,' where we take the larger goal and then break it down into smaller steps and projects, both time-bound completion tasks and repeatable consistent performance indicators that, when done with commitment, will inevitably lead them to their outcome. This is a co-creative and collaborative process, where the coach continues to draw out of the client their commitment level and make recommendations of what is missing in their thinking to help their plan come to fruition.

Raeanne Lacatena
Raeanne LacatenaHolistic Business Coach, Raeanne Lacatena, Inc.

Evaluate and Adapt Coaching Strategies

It is my job as the coach to make sure that we are set up for success. When the goals are unclear or have changed, I need to make sure that I understand the goals so that I can coach my clients on how to get there. If they are constantly changing, I evaluate my coaching to make sure that I have served them best in the original goal, and I help them move forward with their new one. If I feel that they are moving too much, I can communicate that and provide my feedback and guidance. I need to be confident in my coaching so that I can help them get results.

Dr Kimberly Reynolds
Dr Kimberly ReynoldsDoctor Business Coach, The Doctor Coach School

Create a Shared Vision and Align Leadership

Facing a client with unclear or constantly shifting goals can be a challenge. Here's how to navigate this situation by getting everyone on the same page.

The Ripple Effect of Misalignment: When leaders aren't aligned on what to measure or what success looks like, it creates a ripple effect. The rest of the company struggles to define success for themselves, leading to confusion and a lack of direction.

Starting at the Top: Success needs to be defined from the top down. Leaders need to be aligned on key metrics and desired outcomes. This clarity becomes the compass that guides the entire team.

Unveiling the "Why": Here's where great business questions come in:

• What is the desired outcome for the product and/or services your company offers, and who are you ultimately trying to impact? By understanding the core purpose, you can uncover the true north star for the organization.

• Do you have a vision statement that is aligned with your product and/or services? Does your vision statement reflect the desired impact you want to make? If not, consider crafting one that serves as a guiding light.

• Does everyone at your company know why you do what you do for clients? A shared understanding of the company's "why" fosters a sense of purpose and motivates employees to contribute to the larger vision.

Strategies for Alignment:

• Shared Vision: Facilitate discussions with the client to create a shared vision statement. What is the ultimate purpose of their organization?

• SMART Goals: Once the vision is clear, work together to define SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) that align with the vision.

• Metrics Matter: Identify key metrics that will track progress towards those goals.

• Transparency & Communication: Foster open communication throughout the process. Ensure everyone understands the goals, metrics, and desired outcomes.

• Consistency is Key: Remember, for a strategy to be successful, it's crucial to maintain consistency in vision, goals, and approach for a minimum of 12-18 months. This timeframe allows for proper implementation, measurement, and adjustments to ensure progress towards the desired outcomes.

By working together on these strategies, you can help your client create a cohesive vision of success. This empowers the entire team, sets the stage for achieving shared objectives, and allows for measurable progress over a sustained period.

Suzie Jones
Suzie JonesConnection Catalyst, Lotus One Consulting LLC

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